Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Family Meal

Sundays are referred to as "family day" in our house. Originally it was to slow the rapid exodus of older children to the farthest corners of the world and have time to re-group. We thought we might be able to plan the week, do some organizing and have some fun with the kids.

The thinking was to revisit the afternoons we had spent at our parents' homes during our first years of marriage. We spent long, lazy evenings catching up with them and their busy lives as they watched with astonishment the latest achievement of the children and babies. We always had a meal.

Food has always been a temptress in our home. Simple basics or fancy fair, the meal and dessert have held captive the minds and stomachs of our family. At one time the responsibility for the planning, shopping and creating of the meal fell on my shoulders. There were occasional days of help from Barry as he would make his chicken enchilada casserole, lasagna or barbecue. But ultimately I was the orchestrator of the meal. There must be a memorable main course, at least two vegetables and ultimately a dessert. Generally with a theme or sense of familiarity that is recognized by everyone present. Each family generally chooses their favorite dish at one time or another and begins to plan their special meal.

Because I have an unusual quirk that demands that Sundays, holidays, parties and birthdays should all have an intense memory for them, the planning can be somewhat tedious. Additionally, the stress of creating the "perfect" welcome home dinner or back from college fair has once again demonstrated my unreasonable stress and its retaliation to anyone who interrupts the flow of creation before its completion.

When we entertained Daniela Stallinger and her crew last Sunday - there was no difference in establishing the family meal. Truly, I am blessed that Kyle, our second son, has become the consomate budding gourmet chef. He is known by family and friends alike for culinary skills that would be the envy of most women and men. Very few of his creations fall short of delicious. This last Sunday was no different.

Kyle decided that he should be the Top Chef for the luncheon we planned. So off to the local grocery to pick between baked poultry or barbecued ribs. It should go without much question or worry, the ribs won. They are truly one of Kyle's greatest accomplishments. That teamed with twice baked potatoes and the kitchen became a buzzing center of activity.

We have always enjoyed having all the family contribute to meals. There are plenty of tasks to be shared. Someone to wash potatoes. Someone to make the salad and cut the vegetables. Someone to steam the green beans and asparagus. Someone to cut the fruit. Someone to bake the dessert.

Oddly enough, February/March, September and December are filled with birthdays for our family. Even Rory found a girl with a birthday in March. Celebrations for them have been low key and held off until we all could be together. So there was a distinct need to make the appropriate dessert for each celebrant. That created a smorgasboard of brownies with M and Ms for Rory, golden cake with chocolate icing for Jess,and Lyndsay's favorite layered marble cake with vanilla pudding layered wth raspberries and strawberries topped with chocolate icing.

Thank goodness for the two ovens. Every counter was full and guarded by someone working diligently on some part of the meal. Even guests volunteered to help with fruit or vegetables. Laughter and noise filled every corner of the kitchen as elbows and feet struggled to make their way across a packed room to the other side of the busy work center. Shouts of "look out" could be heard as hot plates and full hands rushed to fill ovens and stove spots.

Not to be left without a contribution, even the smallest ones hurry to find napkins, cups, plates and silverware to put at the table. As the salad was set out, bottles of salad dressing crowded the table as testament to the many different tastes and loves of our family. Little faces pushed their way to the tableside hoping to pick the best seat. Each one working to find their favorite plate and cup. As they scrambled to sit and begin eating, they were reminded to thank God for their food.

From somewhere in the bustling group a voice could be heard singing " Oh the Lord's been good to me" in an unusually low voice. The family quiets as we joined in our familiar song of thanks. Something easy for the young ones to remember and simple for the older ones to use in place of hard thought open prayers. At the end of the prayer we all looked around for who started the prayer. Gillianne chimed in to say it was her. Again good natured teasing begins to ask when she began singing baritone with her brothers, as each of her sisters struggled to carry the tune.

Our guests marvel at how the children sit and eat the food. Even green things can be found on each of the younger ones plates. Daniela, Erica and Mark tolerate the endless chatter and questions that the younger ones pour out at the meal. Aidan manages to sneak beside Daniela and corner her attention throughout the majority of the meal, as he plots his dessert manuevers. You can tell he is working to charm our guests in hopes that he may acquire more strawberries or cake.

The children mingle back and forth with the waves of food being carried to and from the table as the oven sends forth its creations. Kyle stands behind the stove supervising and fussing over each rack of ribs until he is certain they are cooked to his level of approval.

Each child has made his contribution. Each one has put forth his choices. The hum of their chatter fills the air. The chaos of their laughter nearly deafening as the meal progresses. Clanging dishes, and shuffling feet soon head toward the kitchen counter. The air fills with shouted thank you's to Kyle for his efforts and suddenly the room grows quiet.

Again a mass exodus has occurred into the next rooms. They have hurried to find something to keep them busy. Each one in a rush to be found too busy for the last and dreaded chore of the family meal.... the dreaded clearing of the table and dishes.

This day they had a head start. Because I could not bear to think of the clean and shining counters of the kitchen to be full of clutter, I have started to load the dishwasher. With only a slight grumble the dishes are unloaded and the next load begun.

We say goodbye to our guests and wish them safe travels. They hurry off to catch their flight Full stomachs lead us to our callng beds for quick naps. In every corner of the house, someone is asleep or resting. Quiet on family day has begun.

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